Members Page

Welcome Back to KSO season 2024-2025!   

The KSO is comprised of amateur and professional musicians sharing a love for orchestra.   The spirit of this ensemble embraces the journey towards creating a beautiful orchestral sound while enjoying the comradery of fellow musicians.   Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind.  

Winter concert: “Air” 

Date:  March 22, 2025 7:30PM

Conductor: Charles-Éric Fontaine

Location: Woodroffe United Church


Dress Rehearsal date:  To be confirmed. 


Verdi - Overture from La Forza del Destino 

Lili Boulanger - D-un Matin de Printemps

Mahler - Blumine (from Symphony No. 1)

Sibelius - Finlandia 

Tchaikovsky - Symphony No. 5

Music Prep: 

Here are the links to the March music.

Verdi - Overture from La Forza del Destino

Lili Boulanger - D'un Matin de Printemps

Mahler - Blumine (from Symphony No. 1)

Sibelius - Finlandia

Tchaikovsky - Symphony No. 5

 number your bars for the Verdi overture; the rest of the pieces already have numbered bars (YAY!). HERE is a handy dandy bar-numbering guide.

This is a LISTENING LIST of all the March pieces on YouTube.

Thanks to Heidi our Librarian for all the work in prepping our concert program.