Members Page
Welcome Back to KSO season 2024-2025!
The KSO is comprised of amateur and professional musicians sharing a love for orchestra. The spirit of this ensemble embraces the journey towards creating a beautiful orchestral sound while enjoying the comradery of fellow musicians. Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind.
Come to the first rehearsal of each concert block with all your parts printed and the bar numbers marked.
Players are asked to arrive at the rehearsal venue at 7:00 pm or shortly after, where possible, to allow time for chatting and to be seated and ready for tuning at 7:30 pm sharp.
Especially appreciated is arriving early to help set up the chairs. All players are responsible for putting their chair away at the end of rehearsal.
Players must avoid all unnecessary talk during tuning and throughout rehearsals. Please save your comments and discussions for before or after rehearsal or during the break.
Players must show respect for the conductor at all times, including listening to and following his/her instructions and starting and stopping playing when asked.
All orchestra members are asked to be kind, respectful and supportive of each other. KSO enjoys a reputation for a friendly atmosphere; let’s keep it!
If you know you’re going to be unable to attend a rehearsal or perform in a concert, please let the HR Manager know as much in advance as possible.
Inviting players to join the orchestra is wonderful and should be discussed with HR.
Winter concert: “Air”
Date: March 22, 2025 7:30PM
Conductor: Charles-Éric Fontaine
Location: Woodroffe United Church
Dress Rehearsal date: To be confirmed.
Verdi - Overture from La Forza del Destino
Lili Boulanger - D-un Matin de Printemps
Mahler - Blumine (from Symphony No. 1)
Sibelius - Finlandia
Tchaikovsky - Symphony No. 5
Music Prep:
Here are the links to the March music.
Verdi - Overture from La Forza del Destino
Lili Boulanger - D'un Matin de Printemps
Mahler - Blumine (from Symphony No. 1)
number your bars for the Verdi overture; the rest of the pieces already have numbered bars (YAY!). HERE is a handy dandy bar-numbering guide.
This is a LISTENING LIST of all the March pieces on YouTube.
Thanks to Heidi our Librarian for all the work in prepping our concert program.